Sunday 15 March 2015


Some may call keeping useless game mags that you refuse to throw away hoarding, I would call it retro collectibles although anyones partner would probably disagree.

Amongst the usual old game magazines and bits of paper that must mean something, there is of course GamesMaster.

GamesMaster Issue 133 - May 2003

Relatively speaking this isn't that old (still 12 years though). However, this is a unopened issue of GM that came with the last episode of GM on DVD. The disc also featured other cool gaming bits along with an option to view the magazines front covers from past issues.

Why unopened? there were two copies purchased of course. However, I doubt this will be worth much.

Why can't the GM magazine issue the entire show series on DVD?

GamesMaster Issue 1

I will have to admit that I did not purchase this when the show first launched back in the early 90's. The contents of the mag has some interesting game news of the time along with references to the show itself of course.

GamesMaster - The Official Book

Again, not originally purchased at the time but found on eBay. The book focuses on the second series along with a snip of the 3rd.

GamesMaster Tips & Cheats Books

Why oh why so many? Back in the day they came with almost every issue of GM. In today's world there is no need for a small tips book as anyone can get what they need from Mr.Google. The end result has been a pile of little books for old games, these are pretty worthless.

GamesMaster XMas Special VHS

As already mentioned in an earlier post, this was a mix tape of new games at the time. The music was fitting and showcased the games perfectly.

Disappointed with the front cover as the sticker had ripped the front off.

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